Age of Empires Online :Free Download Cool
Pc Games
About Game:
Age of Empires Online was a massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game released on August 16, 2011 through digital distribution and optical discs. Based upon the gameplay of the Age of Empires series, it was originally being developed by Robot Entertainment, but on February 24, 2011, it was announced that Gas Powered Games, the creators of Supreme Commander, had taken over production. The game is published by Microsoft.
The game was free-to-play—it was free for users to play, with the additional option of earning or purchasing premium content. Premium content may include access to many special items and blueprints, and more quests and features. Also, booster packs are now available, such as Defense of Crete and Skirmish. The former gives the player the ability to play in a survival type mode game, while the latter allows up to four humans versus up to four CPU opponents in a more traditional skirmish game-mode. The modes can be played in either single-player or co-op. The game also features several player versus player (PvP) modes for up to four people with the option of a PvP "Champion mode" which fully unlocks the players' tech tree and renders the gear for aesthetics only.
Game Play:
Age of Empires Online, like its predecessors, is a real-time based strategy videogame. The game features much of the gameplay of past games in the series, with the addition of a massive multiplayer online gaming element. The player possesses a capital city for each started civilization, that continues to exist when the player is offline. Also, the game features a great quantity of new content, such as the ability to craft items with earned materials and trading with other players.
The main gameplay revolves around the player being able to develop a civilization from its birth to its peak and fall. To assure victory, the player must gather resources to spend on new units, buildings and more advanced technology. Resources must also be preserved, as no new resources become available as the game progresses. A major component of the game is the advancement through four ages with each advancement bringing new technologies, weapons, and units.
Civilian units, called villagers, are used to gather resources. Resources can be used to train units, construct buildings, and research technologies. The game offers four types of resources: Food, wood, gold and stone. Food is obtained by hunting animals, gathering berries, harvesting livestock, farming and fishing. Wood is gathered by chopping down trees. Gold is obtained from either gold mines or through trade and stone is collected from stone mines. Villagers require depository buildings; a town center, dock, storehouse, or for the Babylonians, an ox cart, where they can store gathered resources. Each civilization can research upgrades that increase the rate of resource gathering.

System Requirement:
CPU: Info
CPU Speed: Dual Core, 2 GHz or higher
RAM: Win XP SP3/Vista Home Basic – 1 GB; Vista Premium, Ultimate/Windows 7 (32 bit) – 1.5 GB; Windows 7 (64 bit) – 2.5 GB
OS: Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7
Video Card: 128 MB Shader 2 supported card or higher
Free Disk Space: 2.5 GB
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